Bunnies aims to provide a high quality, fun and inspiring learning experience, where children play in a safe and nurturing environment. It is a place for growing minds to develop, learn new skills and form the building blocks for future life and successes. At Bunnies we offer sessional care and education, 5 days a week for children age 2 years until they start infant school. We follow the Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum and this supports our aims to care for and consider each child as an individual, providing a well balanced preschool education. We observe, reflect and plan activities to make learning fun, supporting your child at every stage of their learning journey. Children develop skills to prepare them for their transfer to infant school.
Children at Bunnies participate in a wide variety of imaginative activities. These include focus and free choice play, physical and inquisitive play, literacy, language and numeracy activities, as well as developing a sense of self awareness and agency. Through activities and games we help children develop autonomy, social and emotional skills, and scientific thought. Children also have the ability to play freely between our indoor and outdoor area.
Our activities are all offered through the four main principles of the Early Years Foundation Stage
Some children qualify for Early Years Pupil Premium Funding find out more here:-