The children are very busy every day watering our garden which is doing brilliantly!!! Please do take a minute to let your child show you how it’s going.

Your child’s end of year report will be ready soon (start of July), and we will also be looking to organise consultation meetings for those parents who would like to have a chat with their key worker, immediately after reports go out.
Please keep a lookout for clipboards in the entrance hall for the consultation appointments if you want one, they are not compulsory, and some of you may well have had a good chat with your key worker or other staff regarding your child’s development quite recently and feel you don’t need it at this time.

Top secret………..All of you should have received a brown envelope in your child’s tray, asking you to get your child to draw a picture of themselves for Jo’s leaving book. If you have not had one, please see Lisa, and if you can return them ASAP Lisa will be very grateful, as she can get laminating and constructing the book. Many thanks.

Finally it has now become a tradition for Banstead Bunnies to have an end of year picnic in Nork park. We will be holding this on Friday 17th July at 12.30pm. It normally lasts about an hour.
Please bring a picnic blanket and your own picnic (for allergy reasons). Cake, balloons, and happy smiley faces are supplied by us, and it is normally a lovely time to chat and the kids to runabout in the space and enjoy each others company before the holidays start………….and hopefully the weather will be kind. All are welcome, siblings, grandma’s, childminders mums, dads……and we look forward to seeing as many of you there that can make it.

Wow… almost another year gone…..I can feel the days slipping between my fingers as we get ready to say goodbye to another great bunch of children.