Happy New Year to you all!!!!………………….and a great big THANK YOU for the lovely gifts and cards all the staff have received for Christmas.

Our Christmas celebrations at Pre-school went very well and we were so proud of how well the children sat and sang at the Nativity sing song, (obviously looking gorgeous too!!). Some children had only started a few weeks prior to the performance, some had not had a practice on the stage, and others can find it very hard to sit still, so they really were fantastic!!!


Thank you for staying around for tea and coffee, we raised £68, and will be asking the children what they would like to spend it on for the pre-school. Thank you to the mums who helped with this – Charlotte, Julia, Lisa and Jamie.
Our Santa visit was also successful (thank you Cassie for this), and children waited beautifully to see him and collect their gift. The money you paid for this is all donated by Santa to Great Ormond Street Hospital and this totalled a brilliant £120.

And finally wrapping up the seasonal note, a thank you to the mum’s who helped at the Christmas party, Laura, Cassie and Lisa. All the children had a great time, and we hope you liked their christmas folders.