Welcome back after the half term break to all our children and their families, and we hope you had a nice half term. We would like to take this opportunity to also welcome our new staff member -Christina, who has now joined the team and will work every morning with us. Please see our ‘team’ page for more details.
As a direct result of the children’s interests and wishes our topic for November is Space, and children have already been enjoying our cardboard space rocket, ‘mission control’, a journey to the moon in our outdoor area, mini moons, alien gloop and some space themed craft activities as well.
This week see’s the introduction of the ‘Moon Rock Cafe’, and we are also planning a ‘moon walk’ before the end of the topic.
Recently this week the we carried out our ‘moon walk’ and went into the woodland to do some spotting.
The children used their observation skills and early literacy skills to see, and record their ‘space findings’, they included alien goo, moon rocks, space dust and 3 UFO’s!!!