
It has long been known that Dads can play a huge role in development, and have a massive impact on children’s learning and engagement, as male role-models.

In working together to improve outcomes for all our children, throughout October Banstead Bunnies we would like to give Dads an opportunity to come into preschool and read to the children, getting a little more involved in preschool life. It’s easy, just come and read a story!!!

Some Dads will relish this chance…… but some may be hesitant, and apprehensive, having up to 30 little faces staring at you!!! Please rest assured you will be supported in the activity by our staff, and that your child will love to help you choose the story you are going to read, help you turn the pages and tell all their friend’s that “their Daddy is coming in today!”

In the interests of inclusivity this offer is open to granddad’s/uncles/ any male relatives. On a safeguarding note, all visitors have to sign in and will be fully supervised with children.

We really hope this is something you will volunteer for, as we know the children will love it and benefit greatly. Attached is a copy of the notice that will be available in the entrance hall to sign up. Ladies do feel free to encourage your husbands/partners etc to get involved.